


Bunions services offered in Cranford, Wallington and Fort Lee, NJ

Bunions are common, affecting as many as 30% of the American population. The discomfort and aesthetics of bunions bring many women and men to experienced podiatrist Chester Klimek, DPM, at Kinetic Edge Foot & Ankle in Cranford, Wallington, and Fort Lee, New Jersey! Once present, bunions can worsen over time and will not improve on their own. Schedule an appointment to explore treatment options and to rule out other foot health issues that could be mistaken for a bunion. You can book your visit using the easy online tool or simply call the office to check availability.

What are bunions?

Bunions are a type of foot deformity in which the joint at the base of your big toe becomes enlarged and improperly aligned. A bunion is among the easiest foot conditions to diagnose, as it creates an easily recognizable bump that protrudes outward from the side of your foot near your toe joint.

Some bunions cause no significant pain and are primarily an aesthetic issue. Others, however, are incredibly painful and can limit your daily routines. Left untreated, bunions often become more pronounced and eventually lead to some degree of pain.

As a bunion becomes larger, the shape of your foot is altered. It can be hard to find shoes that don’t rub against the bunion.

How do I know if I have a bunion?

The easiest way to identify a bunion is by taking a close look at the shape of your foot. If you notice a bulge or bump on the outside of your foot near the base of your big toe, you likely have a bunion. Additional symptoms include:

  • Redness, tenderness, or swelling near your big toe joint
  • Limited mobility of your big toe joint
  • Corns or calluses, especially at the point where your first and second toes overlap

If you notice these or other foot symptoms, schedule a diagnostic exam. Bunions share symptoms with several other conditions, including arthritis, hallux rigidus, neuromas, bursitis, and capsulitis.

How are bunions treated?

If you catch a bunion in the early stages, you may be able to address your symptoms with conservative treatments like orthotics, finding proper footwear, padding or splinting the foot, and using certain medications to address pain and inflammation.

Surgery is often the only way to correct a large or painful bunion. Dr. Klimek is one of only a few practitioners who offer fractureless bunion repair. This innovative approach restores proper joint alignment and repairs your intermetatarsal ligament without making any cuts to your bone tissue.

This approach delivers optimal results without the lengthy recovery time needed when bone tissue is disrupted. That means you’re back on your feet and back to your normal routines far more swiftly than when the protruding bone tissue is chiseled or sawed away.

To learn more about Dr. Klimek's expertise in treating bunions, book a one-on-one consultation today. Online scheduling is available, or you can call to check appointment availability.